It is a screen printing process that adds texture and depth to your design.
It gives thick prints on the surface of garment. Achieved by either giving more number of coats or by using thicker indirect films used for making screens.
It adds a layer of " high density" gel on top of your screen printed garment creating an decorative 3-D looking coating that makes the printed image stand out.
Gel printing gives your garment a shiny like coating that will wear for many years.
When exposing glow-in-the-dark printing to fluorescent light, the ultraviolet light energizes the phosphor particles, causing them to radiate visible light or “glow.”
Burn-out print is a technique that removes part of the fabric.
Cotton and other cellulosic fibers are destroyed by strong mineral acids, and only polyester remains. This allows a patterned lacey design to be imparted to the fabric.